Meet Pastor Adam

Pastor Adam Mallette is devoted to seeing lives changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.  His commitment is to Preach the Word and Lead the Church.  

Adam and his wife, Heather, live life full-on with a passionate love for God and His Word.  Adam and Heather have four children—Augustus, Lucius, Maximus, and Alessia. Life is full and the days are long, but God is growing this family together every day!

Since October of 2020, Adam has served as Lead Teaching Pastor of King's Church, a Bible devoted and loving church family located in the greater Las Vegas, Nevada area.  King's Church is headed into its future under the leadership and the preaching ministry of Pastor Adam.  These are exciting days to be a part of what God is doing at King's Church!

Adam is currently pursuing his PhD in Pastoral Ministry and Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.  Prior to his doctoral studies, he completed his Master of Divinity at Southwestern in 2015.  Adam has also earned a Masters in International Relations from the University of Oklahoma and a Bachelors in Accounting from Appalachian State University.

Prior to serving at King's Church, Adam has served in various ministry roles including as a Senior Pastor, Interim Pastor, and Guest Preacher.  He also served as the Director of Student Services at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Prior to serving in ministry, Adam served as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps.  His military career lasted 10 years and included duty stations in Virginia, Oklahoma, Hawaii, and North Carolina.  He deployed to Japan, as well as combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Visit Pastor Adam's personal site at to learn more about his background and ministerial convictions.